A booking website for Siblu villages, European leader

With 19 villages in France and 2 in the Netherlands, mostly 4-star rated, and an average of 1 million overnight stays sold annually, Siblu Villages is at the heart of the outdoor tourism industry. Programisto works with the company’s internal teams to make the process of researching and planning vacations easier, with a powerful and fun booking site that drives interest and conversion.

Programisto site de réservation en ligne Siblu Villages Campings

A title

Image Box text

Technologie & Déploiement    
Programisto AngularAngular
Programisto Expertise Technnique SymfonySymfony
Programisto expertise ElasticSearch ElasticSearch Programisto expertise déploiement Platform SHPlatform.Sh (partiel)
Management de ressources    
 Bordeaux / Santiago Continuous / Agile 3 Programistoj*

Context and challenges of the Siblu.fr booking website

The tourism sector is particularly tied to the web. By adapting quickly to change and being one of the first to transform, the tourism industry has been able to reinvent itself in the digital format of e-tourism.

Witnessing this transformation and progression of digital in the field since its creation in 1975, French vacation village group Siblu turned to Programisto when creating their online booking portal – or web booking engine

👀 To read:  Siblu’s IT project manager presents the challenges of their reservation portal >

Building an intuitive and comprehensive online vacation booking website for Siblu Villages: the specs

The need for the Siblu Group to facilitate slot booking on the user side is a top priority. Indeed, in parallel with the development of digital formats in the booking market, the challenge for the brand is to know how to provide the right vacations, in the right place, at the right time in real time. 

Some insights from the brief for this online booking platform:

  • The Siblu sales teams collaborate around a CRM that will have to be linked to the platform
  • The Siblu showcase site is not destined to become a web booking engine; the platform will have to be built in parallel and linked to the various online web products (showcase site, translated sites. ..)
  • The siblu.fr site records between 250 and 400,000 visits per month depending on the season; the platform will have to meet the availability and quality stakes of high-traffic domains
#automation #scalability #userexperience
Adrien Laffargue Project Manager Programisto

The mutual trust between Programisto and Siblu allowed the developers to evolve in a positive context. This context improved trust on the project, leading to a virtuous circle within the two teams.

Adrien, Project Manager at Programisto

Programisto Stack

We deployed a human and digital resource environment to complete this booking site build for Siblu. Here are some of its details below:


Human resources deployed

  • 1 project manager / technical leader in Bordeaux to manage project agility and customer relations
  • 2 developers in Santiago, Cuba in offshore technical team – full time all year round

Digital resources deployed

  • Use of Symfony language for the technological base: reliability and power.
  • Hosting of the development environment on Platform.sh for its qualities of resilience and speed of response, hosting of the current production on Alienor.net
  • Managing search queries and big data via Elastic Search for unparalleled loading speed