Showcase site: enter the backstage of

Building your website is often an engaging and time-consuming first step. Creating the digital experience that best transcribes your values as a brand and that allows visitors to dive into the heart of these values is the assurance of a good first contact not to be neglected. Discover our methodology to create our showcase website in less than a month.

site vitrine Programisto réalisation

A title

Image Box text

Design Thinking
Programisto Outil Collaboratif AzendooAzendoo Programisto Outil Design Thinking FigmaFigma Programisto Outil Design Thinking Adobe ToolsAdobe Tools
Technologie & Déploiement
Programisto expertise wordpressWordPress Programisto expertise déploiement Platform SHPlatform SH
Webmarketing & Webmastering
Programisto expertise SEO référencement Google Search Console Google Search Console
Programisto expertise SEO référencement Bing SearchMicrosoft Bing & Clarity
Programisto expertise SEA Google Ads Google Publisher
Programisto Outil Référencement Local SEOGoogle My Business
Programisto expertise optimisation Google pagespeed insightsGoogle Page Speed
Programisto Outil Monitoring Speed Optimization GTGT Metrix
CRM, Automatisation & Monitoring
Programisto expertise CRM HubSpot Marketing HubSpot
Programisto expertise Automatisation Zapier Zapier
Programisto expertise Monitoring Google AnalyticsGoogle Analytics
Programisto expertise tracking Google Tag Manager Google Tag Manager
Programisto expertise Monitoring Google Data StudioGoogle Data Studio
Mailchimp Programisto expertise emailing webmarketing Mailchimp
Management de ressources
Bordeaux 1 mois 2 Programistoj*

Context and challenges

Programisto’s showcase site is an example of a web portal that is lightweight, efficient, evolving, and pleasant to navigate. To achieve this right (and fragile) balance, we’ve implemented a Design Thinking user experience-oriented methodology. Discover our digital adventure and go behind the scenes of the platform you are browsing.

Spreading the values of the brand, the company and the team

Before anything else, we wanted the team to be able to easily project themselves into the artistic direction being built. In order to ensure a rendering that would engage and be embraced by the entire team, we began the work by researching the values shared by the company and its collaborators.
#benevolence #innovation #sense
Stepping back from these axes of cohesion within the team allowed us to precisely define our expectations in terms of graphic transcription and experience. So we envisioned building a platform that was pretty, easy to access, technological, and most importantly nice to navigate

Design thinking and UX/UI for a showcase site 

Design Thinking for a showcase site

Design thinking is an innovative human-centered approach. By applying this method during the realization of your projects, you put in place global processes that put the human being and his use of your services first. 
Other than being intimately participatory, Design Thinking allows for the delivery of products and/or services that are truly desirable by the consumer even if the consumer is not necessarily aware of it. 
This methodology unfolds in 5 main steps, which are to be iterated as the process is carried out:
  1. Adopt a position of empathy
  2. Defining the shared problem
  3. Generate resonant ideas
  4. Test, re-test and optimize! 

Building an effective Design System

Once the strategic brand foundation was defined, we directed the work toward designing an experience that easily serves the interest of site visitors. This is where the User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) expertise of the Programisto team comes into play. The challenge? Building a complete, easy-to-consume digital space.
Using tools such as Figma or the Adobe Creative suite, we allocated a period of time to researching universes and moods to draw inspiration from as we created the foundations of the future Design System Programisto

What is a Design System?

To fully understand this graphical concept, we need to liken the Design System to your brand’s own digital library of reusable visuals, graphical components, technical features and other lines of code. It’s a kit that evolves as your brand progresses and allows the UX/UI designers and developers on your team to produce consistent digital services. You’ll find many benefits to producing a Design System, chief among them making the team’s day-to-day work easier while reducing the digital and technical debt of your ecosystem – playing on its consistency for the visitor experience.

Programisto site performance and loading speed

A showcase site is not just a pleasant experience to navigate. To keep it pleasant precisely, or even to make it so from the moment you enter the site, it is necessary to structure the content of the latter to assume intense and repeated traffic. 
Structured content will serve the performance of your site from two angles:
  • Better natural referencing on the various search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo, Qwant. ..) or SEO (for Search Engine Optimization)
  • A optimized content display speed on mobile as well as on tablet and computer; no matter the time or place from where one connects to the site. 

These two axes, if your content is structured properly, will very quickly enter into resonance with the search engines and this will guarantee your content an optimized position in the search results listing.

What tools are used to measure the performance of my website?

Google, Microsoft and other independent players have built tools to audit your site in great detail and apply corrective actions. Measure the impact of structured content with the help of the report made on our site.

Programisto PageSpeed Report Mobile May 21
Programisto PageSpeed Report Desktop May 21

Ask us for a free audit!

Indicate your email and the link to your website. Our team will perform a performance and SEO audit of your site within 48 hours and email it to you.

Privacy on our site

Your privacy is very important to us and we are pleased to confirm our site’s RGPD compliance. You are browsing here safely! And can, at any time, contact us about it. 

Programisto Stack

We deployed an environment of human and digital resources to complete this Programisto showcase site build. Here are some of its details below:

Human resources deployed

  • 1 WordPress developer/integrator to build the showcase site
  • 1 webmaster to ensure optimal search engine optimization of the site and fast loading performance for any user on any medium

Digital resources deployed

  • Hosted on Platform. SH for its resiliency and speed of response
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) via data analysis on Google Search Console and Microsoft Bing Search
  • User journey optimization via PageSpeed analysis, Microsoft Clarity and tracking via Google Tag Manager
  • Data monitoring via Google Analytics and Google Data Studio
  • Use of HubSpot CRM (Customer Relationship Management) to track lead conversions ; Marketing automations via Zapier and community-building via Mailchimp